Services is a proprietorship with support staff that provides consulting, development, educational and training services to clients. Whether you are a Small-Medium Business, Enterprise customer or Individual, provides support for all sizes of firms.
Development, Infrastructure and Deployment
Our development services cover a range of technologies, including Python, C, Javascript and we have experience working with various databases and cloud platforms. We'll work closely with you to understand your specific needs and design a solution that meets your requirements and budget.
Systems and enhancements that we developed can be deployed into existing infrastructure or we can design platforms that scale up and down depending on business needs and cyclical demand. We are experienced with cloud infrastructure and can work remotely to make instant deliveries.
Some examples of our work include:
Deployment of e-mail services running on cloud servers, linking them them up to a domain name and enabling a web based administrator console to create and manage unlimited e-mail addresses.
Cloud based databases with automated ingestion and monitoring scripts for business intelligence. Clients working in business sectors with daily variable prices, competition tracking or real time monitoring of incoming data or requests will find this useful as we can also provide dashboard or authenticated systems to allow a global team to access data securely to perform analytics and business operation activities. We also provide support to create additional data feeds through data ingestion pipelines, online monitoring tools and forms to allow users or customers to submit data.
Training, Education and Consulting
Getting design, development, infrastructure and deployment right is no small feat. Whether you are an individual, small entity or enterprise that wants to have your deployment architecture reviewed, understand best coding and deployment practices or learn how to effectively learn how to use the cloud, consulting with an experienced practitioner is well worth the discussion. Why spend weeks, months or years learning things on your own or realizing later that inadvertent design limitations were baked into your architecture?
We provide advisory, training and consulting services to train you or a team with knowledge of best practices and the right mix of technology . This allows you and your teams to make informed decisions, direct their own projects in an effective manner and training how to use these tools to take ownership on their own.
As our experience comes from the ever evolving front lines of technology, our expertise is built upon first hand experiences that does not yet exist in manuals and text books just yet.
If you have questions or inquiries about what we do, the services we provide or an consultation or advice please feel free to reach out to us for an introductory conversation over mail, video or communication medium of choice.